Games are made! -Casino

Interior of a casino with the Company Logo - Escape Games

How the activity works:

You will first have to answer the puzzles in PDF #1 to find the code that will allow you to open PDF #2.

You will have to do the same to open PDF #3, thanks to the answers to the puzzles in PDF #2.

The number of puzzles to complete per chapter is always specified in the first pages of the PDF document.

Access codes to be entered in PDFs are always in UPPERCASE and may contain numbers and letters. Always follow the access code format given on the cover page of the chapter.

Example access code

We recommend downloading the PDFs to access all features.

Have paper, pencils and a calculator available.

A printable booklet is available. It contains some practical sections for each of the chapters, however it does not replace the PDF files of the game.

The clues and answers for each riddle are grouped together in a guide. For each enigma, you will find in the following order: Clue #1, Clue #2, Answer.

Have fun!

Introduction and Chapter 1: Blackjack

Chapter 2: The Battle

Chapter 3: Roulette

Chapter 4: The Pump

Chapter 5: Slot Machines

Chapter 6: Poker

Chapter 7: The Traitor

Chapter 8: The Final

Enter the final answer

File to print

Hints Guide

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